Creamy Yogurt Fruit Salad is a refreshing summer treat. This fruit salad is effortless and a quick healthy dessert. Try making this dessert salad with a variety of fruits that are in season.
Place yogurt in a strainer and keep a bowl under it to collect all the liquid. Refrigerate for 2 hours or until all the liquid from yogurt has drained.
Chop all the fruits and nuts, and set them aside.
After 2 hours, discard the yogurt water.
In a large mixing bowl, combine strained yogurt, condensed milk, and cream. Whisk well until smooth and creamy.
To this add all the chopped fruits and dry fruits. Mix well and remove the mixture in a large serving dish or in individual cups and bowls.
Serve chilled as a dessert or a snack.
You can refrigerate the creamy yogurt and chopped fruits separately. Add fruits to the yogurt mixture just before serving.This fruit salad can be stored in the refrigerator for only 1 or 2 days.