Tropical Trifle by Guest Chef Rafeeda

Tropical Trifle by Guest Chef Rafeeda


Today’s guest chef is Rafeeda a food blogger at The Big Sweet Tooth. When I first decided to start the Guest series, she was the first one in my mind as a food blogger to be my guest. I really appreciate and I am highly inspired by her level of consistency in her posts in spite of having a full-time job with two beautiful kids and handling her home chores at the same time. It is also worth mentioning her talent in finding joy in simple things such as ‘Skywatching’ in midst of all the chaos.😃😃 She comes up with a wide variety of recipes be it a simple milkshake or a complicated dessert, you name it and she has it on her blog. She presents each of her recipes with a lovely write up to which anyone will get hooked to. Her unique style of capturing and presenting the food with utmost clarity and simplicity makes us drool. Most of her recipes are practical, healthy and easy to prepare. I also want to mention that she has an extensive collection of recipes from Emarati Cuisine which is a rare sight to see among the Indian Food Bloggers.

 I sincerely thank her for being a part of my Guest Chef Series and now let us hear from Rafeeda herself and check out what she has to offer us today…
Tropical Trifle
Tropical Trifle
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah to the wonderful readers of “Love To Cook”…

I am indeed so excited to be on my friend, Shanaz’s space today. I do not remember when I discovered her blog, but once I did find it, I was hooked on it. Her YouTube videos are my favorite. I love that there is no loud music, the visuals are to the point with no extra details and everything goes with a flow. I did tell her that I would go visit her to learn how she manages to do her videos! Hehe… But that said, I love how she comes up with amazing recipes as well as work on her older posts to give her blog a lot of push.

Tropical Trifle
Tropical Trifle
To introduce myself – I am Rafeeda, the blogger behind the small space called “The Big Sweet Tooth”. Just like my name suggests, I love sweet stuff and part of my life is spent fighting that urge! I am a working mother with two sweet daughters, and my blog is a little gateway into cooking away my stress in the form of quick fix meals and desserts, and an insight into my thoughts and day-to-day life.

I can’t explain how happy I became when Shanaz asked me for a guest post. She was a guest on my space with her Lehm Ajeen. Actually, I am late to give her the post since she had asked me at least two months ago. Even though my vacation got over more than two months ago, I still feel I am in that hangover! Anyway, I had to decide enough is enough and work on the post for her as soon as I could.

Tropical Trifle
Tropical Trifle

Like I mentioned earlier, I love making simple desserts and whenever I have guests, they eagerly wait for the desserts and enjoy it more than my main course. I don’t know whether it is a good thing or bad. One of my main desserts, when I have a big get-together, is making trifle. It may sound like a long process but the best part is you can make it well in advance and let it rest for the flavors to get better. The recipe I am sharing today is a tropical twist. I have gone to make it simpler by using store-bought ingredients as the base, but if you have time, you can use your favorite sponge cake recipe as a base. To make the trifle tropical, I have used pineapples, cherries, coconut plus made the custard in coconut cream! I would have loved to use pecans as well but couldn’t find it and hence didn’t use it. I first made this when we had guests, and they totally loved it, so I made them again just to click, and enjoy it all by ourselves! Off to the recipe…

Tropical Trifle
Tropical Trifle
[lt_recipe name=”Tropical Trifle” servings=”4″ prep_time=”20M” total_time=”2H20M” difficulty=”Easy” summary=”An easy to make trifle recipe with a blend of custard and tropical fruits combined with the divine flavor of coconut.” print=”yes” image=”×300.jpg” ingredients=”350 gm pack pound cake;335 gm pack pineapple;15-20 cherries;1/2 cup grated coconut;;For the custard;400 grams tin of coconut cream;1/3 cup milk;3 tablespoon sugar;2 large eggs;3 tablespoon custard powder;Pinch of salt” ]First, we will make the custard so that it cools down in time to arrange the trifle. Whisk all the ingredients under “For the Custard” in a saucepan till smooth.;Bring it to cook on low flame, stirring occasionally to avoid the mixture sticking to the bottom.;When the mixture starts heating, you will see the mixture getting thicker and glossy. Switch off, cover and allow it to cool.;Chop the pound cake into squares and set aside. Drain the pineapple from the pack and set the syrup aside. Chop the pineapples into bite-sized pieces. Chop the cherries in half.;Lightly toast the coconut in a hot pan till dry and slightly browned. Set aside to cool.;To assemble, in an 8-inch pan, prepare one layer of cake at the bottom. Spritz some of the syrup on it to keep in moist.;Spread half the custard on it, and half of the pineapple, cherries, and coconut.;Prepare another layer of cake on top and spray with some more syrup. Spread the remaining custard on it and top it with the remaining pineapple, cherries, and coconut.;Allow the trifle to rest in the fridge for around 2 hours or until the time of serving.;;[/lt_recipe]